Commercial Directory Listing

The links below are external links to private business concerns and a listing here does not imply any endorsement or responsibility by the AIS. Note that this listing includes only those commercial concerns that conform to criteria as a current AIS Bulletin advertiser/supporter. AIS website commercial directory listings are provided on advertiser request and contingent to that criteria.

To find out how to have a listing here please go to the following area for the information: How to get listed on the AIS website …then please read the information segment on the Commercial Directory/Listing Requirements

    • Aitken’s Salmon Creek Garden commercial garden located in Vancouver, Washington, specializes in award winning irises and exotic orchids.
    • Bee Haven Iris Gardens commercial garden located in Coursegold, California,  growing over 1,000 varieties of Tall Bearded iris and specializing in historics, novelties, and rebloomers
    • Breezeway Iris Garden has Jack Worel introductions.  Located in Madison, Wisconsin
    • Chapman Iris hybridizer and commercial garden located in Ontario, Canada. Ships worldwide via Canada Post and USPS (AIS Bulletin Spring 2019)
    • Comanche Acres Iris Gardens a commercial garden located in Gower, Missouri.
    • Crafton Hills Iris Farm Redlands, California. Tall Bearded Iris and Historic Iris.
    • Dancing Dragons Iris Garden specializing in Novelty Iris & Region 7 Hybridizers
    • Diversity Acres sustainably grown irises and other perennials.(AIS Bulletin Spring 2019)
    • Draycott Gardens located in Maryland, Carol Warner, beardless irises and introducing pseudatas for Hiroshi Shimizu from Japan.
    • Eagle Ridge Iris Gardens 5000 plus Varieties Hardy Montana Zone 4b Dwarf – Historic – Cayeux Novelty & Reblooming Iris
    • Ensata Gardens a leading specialist supplier of Japanese irises located in Michigan
    • Exline Iris Garden located in Berkeley Springs, West Virginia, a family business growing over 1,400 bearded iris 
    • Farwest Iris Gardens LLC, located in Gervais, Oregon where “Beauty does come in a box!”™
    • Granite  Dells Gardens, located in Prescott, Arizona, specializing in the bearded iris introductions of Trish and David Spence
    • Hillcrest Gardens has relocated just outside of Dallas, Texas. Growing historical, newest tall bearded, median, and Louisiana and Spurias  including the introductions of Rodney Barton, Pat Norvell and Hooker and Bonnie Nichols.
    • Horton Iris Garden Tall Bearded, Rebloomers, Historic, Newer irises, medians, space age. 1300 varieties.
    • Iris Hills Farm a diverse collection of bearded irises grown by Colin Campbell in Middletown Virginia, from SDB’s to TB’s, including many cold hardy rebloomers and locally hybridized iris.
    • Joni’s Dance in the Wind Iris Garden (see Facebook page for link to catalog) newer TB irises, collector Hostas, Daylilies. 810 S 14th Street, Tekamah, NE 68061 or (402)838-1046 or email  
    • Keith Keppel Iris the website of noted iris hybridizer Keith Keppel located in Salem, Oregon 
    • Long’s Gardens Since 1905, growing irises from the “top of the world” featuring Irises from: D. Miller, Magee, Durrance, Hall, Hoage, Jorgensen, Moller, Olson, and Stetson.
    • Mariposa Iris Irises from Douglas Kanarowski. 20% better or different, good growers, and high curb appeal.
    • Mid America Garden Paul Black/Tom Johnson, located Salem, Oregon. Bearded Irises various categories 
    • Mt. Pleasant Iris Farm located in Washougal, Washington specializing in beardless iris including Japanese, Laevigata, “Pseudata” and others. Mt. Pleasant Iris Farm is also the site of a National display Garden of japanese iris, Iris ensata.
    • Nola’s Iris Garden-Prevost Ranch and Gardens very large viewing garden open during spring bloom and grower of bearded iris.
    • Picacho Mountain Iris growing and hybridizing iris is our passion. 
    • Plant Shack, LLC growing and hybridizing bearded and beardless iris in zone 5.
    • Schreiner’s Iris Gardens located in Salem, Oregon. Fine iris for discerning collectors, one of the largest commercial growers in the U.S.
    • Standard and Falls Iris Garden, located in Houston, Texas specializing in Louisana irs.
    • Stout Gardens at Dancingtree specializing in newer varieties of fine iris and daylilies 
    • Superstition Iris Gardens Rick Tasco and Roger Duncan introductions and commercial grower located in Cathey’s Valley, California
    • Sutton’s Iris Gardens located in Star, Idaho. Reblooming and Space Age Iris
    • Three Shovels Farm a commercial garden located in central South Carolina offering in-person and mail order sales of Louisiana, Japanese, and Pseudata iris.