
AIS Conventions: Calendar/Information

2025 AIS Convention logo

2026 AIS Convention May 18-23 New Jersey & New York

2026 Convention Co-Chair: Gary White

2026 Convention Co-Chair: Jill Bonino

2026 Convention Co-Chair: Andi Rivarola

Convention website: 2026 Convention
Follow our progress on Facebook

2027 AIS Convention April 27- May 1 (tentative)
Oklahoma City

2027 Convention Co-Chair: Michael Kowalchyk
phone: 405-593-9608 email:

2027 Convention Co-Chair: Josh Winzer
phone: 918-863-9399 email:

Convention hotel: TBD

Guest iris:

Please observe the following guidelines when sending bearded and beardless guest irises, as only officially submitted rhizomes will appear in the AIS convention booklet. Please submit them between  August 15 – October 1, 2025. There is no quantity restriction on variety or rhizomes. Please ship plants to: Richard Winkleman 3000 NE 36th Forest Park, OK 73121 Phone: 405-990-7169 Email: . Complete instructions for shipping guest iris appear in IRISES the Bulletin of the American Iris Society, Fall 2024, page 31.

Conventions by AIS Sections, Cooperating Societies, Regions and Affiliates

Sections and Cooperating Societies of The American Iris Society, as well as local and regional affiliates hold conventions that will be listed here.

Society for Louisiana Irises Convention

April 3rd – 5th, 2025
Convention Website: 
2025 SLI Convention
Information and Registration Form

We will be back in Lafayette, Louisiana with a schedule similar to our 2022 convention including an afternoon of judge’s training, a tour, and dinner with our General Membership meeting. Events kick off on Thursday, April 3rd with a selection of private and public gardens available for self-tour, plus AIS Judges training in the afternoon. Friday, April 4th offers a full day of activities. A bus tour is scheduled and includes a visit to Palmetto Island State Park to see the I. nelsonii, the Abbeville Red, that is found native only across the Vermilion River in the Abbeville Swamp. Other stops include a private garden and Cypress Lake. The day concludes with a banquet and general membership meeting at the Ira Nelson Horticulture Center. Our speakers are Mark Schexnayder, SLI President, and Bonnie Nichols, American Iris Society President. On Saturday, April 5th, SLI will have a booth with rhizome sales and a flower display at the Festival des Fleurs,

Siberian/Species and AIS Region 21 Convention

May 23 & 24th, 2025
Convention Co-Chairs:
Kris Jurik email
Lois Girton email

We are pleased to host the 2025 Siberian and Species Iris Convention in conjunction with the spring meeting of AIS Region 21. The convention will begin Friday afternoon, May 23, and conclude Saturday evening, May 24. It will include tours of three gardens, two with guest Siberian and species irises, in-garden judges’ training, and silent and live auctions.

The host hotel is the Gateway Hotel & Conference Center, 2100 Green Hills Drive in Ames, Twenty guest rooms have been reserved on Friday and Saturday nights for convention attendees at the rate of $132/night (U.S. funds) plus 12% tax for two queen or one king bed. Guest rooms have recently been renovated. Please contact the hotel directly at 515-292-8600 and mention the Region 21 Iris Convention.