How to order: Please communicate your order to:
AIS Storefront – John and Kay Ludi, PO Box 956, Sandy, OR 97055
telephone: 503-826-8808 | fax: 503-826-8808
e-mail: *protected email*
Orders may be placed by fax or via e-mail at anytime.
The AIS can now accept PayPal and regular credit/debit card payments for Storefront orders (minimum order: $10.00). An invoice will be sent to you via email to submit payment. The invoice will come as a PayPal invoice, but you will be able to pay with either a PayPal account or with a regular credit/debit card using the PayPal portal.
If you are paying by credit/debit card and you have no email address, please call the Storefront. If paying by check or money order make them payable to the American Iris Society.
When submitting your order to the storefront, please include a list of the item(s) ordered, name and address for billing and shipping, email address, phone number, desired method of payment. (Do not send credit card information.)
Shipping: The Storefront ships via Media Mail where possible. Priority, overnight and UPS shipment charges are paid by customer. Pricing: Prices are as listed with each item and include standard shipping and handling. Note that prices may vary according to the requested shipping destination. There are three types of shipping destinations: USA, Canada, and International. All prices/payments are in $US. Prices listed are for US Customers only. For Canada and International, contact the Storefront.
A great publication for new iris growers. Ideal for club members, shows and plant sales. Size: 8 1/2 x 11, 60 pages with 43 pages with colored images.
– to view a sampling of the contents pages of this item please click here: Basic Iris Culture Booklet Price: Single copy $10.00; pack of 20 $188.00
AIS 2026 Iris Calendar Price: “Early Orders” (ends May 1, 2025) $9.00 each, Pack of 10 $46.00. After May 1, 2025: $10.00 each, Pack of 10 $56.00. Prices are US only, Canada and International customers, contact the Storefront for prices.
2026 Order Form
The AIS Centennial medal is here! What a beautiful testament to the people and the irises that made the organization a pillar of inspiration and beauty in a world in much need of it. We hope that you enjoy this one of a kind medal for many years to come.
$12 each medal (includes postage).
Nine different iris images on card stock (1 ½” x 7”). Available in packet of 45 (5 each of 9 images). FREE to include FREE S&H. Great for handouts for AIS Membership promotion.
NEW CHAPTERS AVAILABLE for 2024. Revision 2 (8.23.24), Handbook for Judges and Show Officials. Price $14.00 (includes shipping and handling). 40 pages (front and back). Includes: Updates to Chapter 17 (Siberian Iris), Chapter 18 (Species and SPEC-X Iris), Chapter 23 (Bulbous Iris) and Appendix A (Show Schedule Temple); Additions: Chapter 4A & 4B (Virtual Show) and Appendix G (Virtual Show Schedule Template).
Eighth Edition, Revision 1 (8.22) and Revision 2 (8.23.4), “340” pages ( 8.5 x 11) in pdf format. Fits in a 1.5 inch binder. Pricing (effective January 1, 2025): Pages with cover $43.00 USA, Pages only $37.00 USA. (For Canada and International pricing, contact the Storefront.)
Revision 1 (revised chapters only) to the Handbook for Judges and Show Officials, 76 pages (Changes to Chapters 1, 2, 4, 24, 25, 28 and Appendix A; Appendix F (Ethics) added.) August 2022. Price $12.00 USA. Pricing for Canada and International customers, contact the Storefront. Note: These are already included in the Handbook version above.
AIS 2023 Registrations & Introductions Booklet: Price $13.00 US
The AIS 2019 Iris Checklist (2010-2019 Introductions) is now available for purchase from the AIS Storefront. The book is hard cover 8.5 x 11 consisting of 512 pages. Price: $35.00 USA. For Canada and International pricing, contact the Storefront.
Price: USA $11.00 each; 3 for $30.00. For Canada and International pricing, contact the AIS Storefront.
The 2022 Checklist lists 4,246 varieties of rebloomers and their registration information. The Reblooming Iris Society maintains the records from all reports received from hybridizers and iris lovers from around the world since 1975.
349 pages (8-1/2 x 11).
Printed Book (Hard Copy): $35.00 (USA Only)
Flash Drive: $20.00 (USA Only)
Digital File sent via email: $15.00 (Canada and International Only)
All prices include shipping and handling.
A variety of programs in digital format are available from AIS via order form. To order convention programs, Iris Introductions, and Programs, click here to download the form. Fill out the form, and follow the instructions to place your order.
$10.00 per Issue
The complete 100 Years Bold (the 4 Supplements and the Addendum) is now bound in one publication and available for purchase from the Storefront. Price $50.00 US (includes shipping and handling). For Canada and International pricing, contact the Storefront.
Table of Contents
“Dwarf and Median Bearded Irises, Jewels of the Iris World” by Kevin Vaughn. 143 pages of information on garden use and culture, hybridizing and history of Miniature Dwarf, Standard Dwarf, Intermediate, Miniature Tall and Border Bearded Irises. Price: $34.00 US (Prices includes S&H).
Price: USA $14.00 (prices includes S&H)
US $8.00 each, packet of (10) $44.00.
The AIS 2025 Iris Calendars Price: US $9.00 each, Packet of 10 – $54.00; Canada & International – contact the AIS Storefront for pricing.
2026 Iris Calendars now available! (early orders end May 1, 2025; shipped when available)
We have partnered with CafePress to offer our memebership the opportunity to order merchandise like t-shirts, coffee mugs, tote bags, and other items. Purchases made will support the society. Visit CafePress here:
Current year and last year (USA) $10
Older issues: (not all available) (USA) $7
Five different themes (packets) available
Theme # 1 – GARDEN DELIGHT Theme # 2 – COUNTRY LANDSCAPE Theme # 3 – BEARDED WONDERS Theme # 4 – HAVE NOT’S (Beardless) Theme # 5 – GOING NATIVE
Order by Theme # or by Theme Name. Each theme includes 8 different pictures, 8 envelopes and 8 AIS Seals. Each Note Card is 4 1/4 ” x 5 1/2″ bifold. Price is $8.00 per packet USA.
Sample image from Theme #1 – Garden Delight
by Kevin Vaughn
Many gardeners know little or nothing about beardless iris. But beardless irises are sure to gain your interest, extend your iris bloom time, and fit a spot in your landscape. All five major groups – Siberian, Japanese, Pacific, Coast Native, Louisiana and Spuria – of beardless irises are covered in detail. Hardcover: 160 pages with colored images. Book dimensions: 8.5 by 11 inches Publisher: Schiffer Publishing, Ltd Price: $34.00 USA, Canada, International – contact Storefront for price.
Price (includes S&H): USA $15.00, Canada, International – contact Storefront for price.
This is a revised edition of the first complete reference published on Louisiana irises, the five species of Iris in section Hexagonae. These beardless irises are endemic to the United States, with their center of distribution in Louisiana. They first drew attention because of the enormous number of their natural hybrids; this propensity for hybridization led to the development of today’s spectacular range of colors and forms.
This authoritative treatment by The Society for Louisiana Irises is based on the first edition published by the Society in 1988, but it is considerably expanded. It covers every aspect of the history, botany, and development of these distinctive irises, with particular emphasis on the newest hybrids, hybridizing techniques, and cultural practices, and also includes suggestions for their use in the landscape and in floral arrangements. It should serve to introduce a wider gardening public to these most colorful and versatile flowers. Hardcover: 211 pages (116 color images) book dimensions: 10.3 x 7.4 inches * Publisher: Timber Press 2nd edition ISBN: 0881924776 Price: $30.00 includes shipping in USA. Canada and International – please contact Storefront for price.
This is a service pin that may be purchased and awarded by AIS Regions to the outgoing RVPs in recognition and appreciation of their term of office. Sterling Silver with presentation box. Price: $35.00 each.
Postcards are full color with 16 postcards per pack. Size is approximately 4″ x 6″ Price: 3 packs for $4.00 US, 10 packs for $12.00 US Contact the AIS Storefront for larger quantities and pricing.
Each of these are books that provide a ten year compilation of registrations and introductions (R&I). These checklists are reprints and soft cover book: 1939 Ten year compilation of registrations, 1930-1939. 1949 Ten year compilation of registrations, 1940-1949. 1959 Ten year compilation of registrations, 1950-1959. 1969 Ten year compilation of registrations, 1960-1969. 1979 Ten year compilation of registrations, 1970-1979. Price: $9.00 each USA, Canada $15.00; International $25.00.
These checklists are a hard cover book: 1989 Ten year compilation of registrations, 1980-1989. 1999 Ten year compilation of registrations, 1990-1999 Price: $9.00 each USA, Canada $15.00; International $25.00.
CHECKLIST DISCOUNT SPECIAL All 7 Ten-year Checklists for $28.00 USA, Canada $44.00; International $66.00.
2009 TEN-YEAR CHECKLIST: compilation of registrations 2000-2009, 941 pages, available in a soft and hard cover book version: Soft Cover (941 pages) – $27.00 each US Hard Cover (743) – $32.00 each US
2019 TEN-YEAR CHECKLIST: The AIS 2019 Iris Checklist (2010-2019 Introductions) is now available for purchase from the AIS Storefront. The book is hard cover 8.5 x 11 consisting of 512 pages. Price: $37.00 USA. For Canada and International pricing, contact the Storefront.
These Registrations and Introductions (R&I) booklets contain a listing of all of the new irises registered with the AIS for the single year indicated. 2020 REGISTRATIONS AND INTRODUCTIONS: Price: $14.00 each USA 2021 REGISTRATIONS AND INTRODUCTIONS: Price: $14.00 each USA 2022 REGISTRATIONS AND INTRODUCTIONS: Price: $14.00 each USA 2023 REGISTRATIONS AND INTRODUCTIONS: Price: $14.00 each USA 2024 REGISTRATIONS AND INTRODUCTIONS: Price: $14.00 each USA
Price: $5.00 each USA.
(50 per pack) Self adhesive ovals. Official design in blue and green on silver background. Price: One pack $5.00 USA. 5 Packs for $12.00 USA.
Guidelines for planning/hosting a Spring National Convention and/or Fall Board Meeting. This free item is a 78 page download from the AIS website.