Digital Programs

These PowerPoint programs are available to AIS Members and Affiliates at no charge. Simply send an email to the AIS Digital Program Coordinator (currently Jean Richter) at . Include your name and location, and state that you are a member in good standing of the American Iris Society. Programs will be delivered by email or via download if too large to email. (See restrictions and suggestions below)

Digital Programs
Beardless Iris (SA) – 124 slidesColor Patterns-Forms-Novelty -30 slidesCottage Gardens† – 47 slides
Plant with Color; Plants for Shade
Designing Cottage Gardens† – 83 slidesDykes Medal Winners thru 2024 (SA)– 103 slidesGardening with Bearded Iris† - 67 slides
Gardening with Beardless Iris† -38 slidesGardening Bearded-Beardless Iris†-27 slidesHybridizing 4 Beginners (SA) – 81 slides
(John Weiler Method Bearded Iris)
Genus Iris (SA) – 127 slidesGrowing Louisiana Iris (SA) – 80 slidesLilies: 3 programs† -32+36+11 slides
It’s Show Time (SA)
• Show Preparation - 45 slides (10 mins.)
• Floral Design (by Jean Morris) - 33 slides
• Grooming-Mesilla Valley Iris Society 82
• Stalking for Best of Show 32 slides
Just For Fun Package (programs and printables)
• Iris Fan, Fancier or Fanatic?
• Name that Iris (A rebus puzzle program)
• Crossword Puzzle
• Storybook Garden – 52 slides
Perennials in the Garden† – 150 slides
Year Round Bulbs - 68 slidesMedian Irises – 110 slides Ethics for Judges (and others) – 69 slides
Reblooming Irises- 61 slidesShade Gardening +– 61slidesNovelty Iris: Then and Now – 74 slides
Looking at Historic Iris: A Deeper Dive - 120 slidesHistoric Iris - 60 slidesLooking at Historic Iris - 69 slides

Digital Convention Programs
2015 Portland2013/2014-Dallas–246 slides2012- Ontario, CA
- Convention Irises-161 slides
-Convention Gardens – 90 slides
- Huntington – 176 slides
2011 Canada - 208 slides
Anna Cadd/Jeanette Graham
2010 Madison, Wisconsin - 185 slides2009 Kansas City 217 slides
2008 Austin TX 283 slides2007 Oklahoma 303 slides

(SA) programs are recommended as “stand-alone” because they are annotated or do not require a knowledge of the genus iris on the part of the presenter.

† programs are not stand alone, they are good discussion starters, but require a leader with enough expertise to keep the discussion moving.

These programs are made available to members in good standing of the American Iris Society. Please observe the following restrictions:

Promoting The AIS: These are provided by the AIS to educate and to promote membership in the organization. Do not pass over the invitation to become a member. Talk to your audience about the benefits of joining (Cultural and Historic Information, support for local affiliates, support of iris research and historic preservation and a quarterly full-color bulletin, “Irises” which informs members of progress in hybridization, garden tips, annual awards and events.

Distribution: These are intended to be used as presentations to other member, local affiliates and the general public. The digital presentation copyrighted by the AIS. The program itself should not be shared with non-members.

Copyright All copyright restrictions which are included in the presentation must be observed. The photographs may not be shared without explicit permission from the copyright holder (usually the photographer) Questions should be directed to the AIS Digital Programs Coordinator at

Comments: We welcome any feed-back, be it positive, editorial comments, or ways in which the program might be improved. Please direct comments to

Contribute Programs: Our hope is to continually grow the library of programs available. Many of these are developed in coordination with local affiliates, growers and hybridizers. If you have a program to share or even an idea for a program the Digital Program Coordinator will gladly receive it and/or work with you to develop it. Again, or 510-864-7962 is the contact information.

Some PowerPoint Tips:

Microsoft’s presentation program, PowerPointTM, is currently the industry standard. This program will need to be installed on the computer that you connect to a display (projector or large screen display) to share with others.

The suffix on a PowerPoint file name may be .ppt or .pptx. The ‘x’ indicates it was created in a newer version. Always trial-run the presentation before you present. If you run into issues you can let the Digital Program Coordinator know. We can make every effort to be sure it runs on your equipment. It will also mitigate the chance that something goes wrong at the event.

Programs may be set to advance automatically or to move from slide to slide by pressing a key. This is usually the space bar or a forward arrow. The back arrow will present the previous slide. Certain programs may include an animated effect. These are set for automatic or manual advance. There will be information about this in the ‘notes’ area.

We recommend using the Presenter View. While the means to access this varies between PC and Macintosh, you will find a drop down or pop-up menu to select it. This view shows just the slide on the projected image or display, but the computer screen gives the presenter much more information including:

Elapsed time and clock time
A progress bar (red ‘thermometer’ display position in the presentation)
The current slide image
The next slide image
The ‘Notes’ field (suggested talking point, a script and/or instruction WHEN PRESENT)A line of images with the previous, current and upcoming slides.