(updated November 23, 2024)

Electronic Membership Services - Welcome Emembers
Quick Links – Or Scroll Down for Recent Bulletin Issues
Electronic Membership Services
Irisregister Database: To access irisregister.com the on-line iris registration database, follow this link: Irisregister Database
AIS Bulletin Library: At present the library contains AIS Bulletin issues from the years 1920 to 2018 inclusive. To access the extensive online library of AIS Bulletins please follow this link: AIS Bulletin Library
Note: The AIS Bulletin Library is provided in Adobe PDF file format. These will require Adobe Acrobat Reader for viewing and issues may be viewed online or downloaded. Many computers already have this program installed. If you need to obtain the free Adobe Acrobat Reader program use this link: Adobe Acrobat
(The view on all issues prior to 2010 that you will see on the Adobe PDF page is the scanned image of the original and very readable. Please note that if you have a requirement for the conversion of pages to editable text, there may be mistakes/errors that show up due to limitations in the electronic character recognition) the issues 2010 and later are true PDFs not scanned images)
AIS Library of Historic Iris Catalogs:
The AIS has created a library of electronic copies of historic iris catalogs. We have started with a collection of catalogs and other documents collected by Mike and Anne Lowe. The catalogs are scanned electronically and then electronic character recognition applied to the text so that it can be conveniently searched for keywords and phrases. This will be an ongoing project. Please check back for new material that will be added to this resource from time to time.
To access this intriguing library please follow this link: AIS Library of Historic Iris Catalogs
AIS Basic Iris Culture booklet: The AIS Basic Culture booklet is published by the American Iris Society, Third Edition 2011, 48 pages total. This very informative booklet contains “what every iris grower should know”. The contents include topics such as; iris classifications, color patterns, detailed culture information on various types of irises within the bearded and beardless categories, how to deal with pests and diseases, an overview of AIS iris awards etc..
To view the AIS Basic Iris Culture booklet online, please follow this link: Basic Iris Culture
Note: Adobe Flash Player is not required to view this online publication.
The AIS Bulletin:
IRISES The Bulletin of the American Iris Society
To view some of the more recent AIS Bulletins online, please click on your choice of the AIS Bulletin issue links that are provided below: (the Bulletin cover images are also clickable).
Please Note: Adobe Flash is no longer required to view the online Bulletins. Simply click on the images below to view the publication with your browser.
Please Note: Depending on your internet speed loading one of the bulletins may take a few moments.
All previous AIS Bulletins, starting with the first 1920 edition are available in standard PDF format viewable on line or downloadable in the AIS Bulletin Library: To access the extensive online library of AIS Bulletins please follow this link: AIS Bulletin Library
Note: The AIS Bulletin Library is provided in Adobe PDF file format. These will require Adobe Acrobat Reader for viewing and issues may be viewed online or downloaded. Many computers already have this program installed. If you need to obtain the free Adobe Acrobat Reader program use this link: Adobe Acrobat
…Thank you for being an AIS Emember!